How Configure VM Backup in CA ARCSRVE UDP Step by Step with Screenshots

In my previous post i had explained please go through this link How to Configure Arcserve UDP 6.5 in this tutorial i had explained how to configure ESXi Backup in CA Arcserve UDP 6.5.

so just find the below step to configure ESXi Backup in CA Arcserve UDP 6.5.

Step: 1. Login into Arcserve console and go to resources tab and click on add nodes option.
Step: 2 Here you need to select import from vCenter/ESXi option type the vCenter and ESXi details like ip address and user id,password and click on connect after that on save option.
Step: 3 Here you can see ESXi Host has been added now just select the Virtual Machine which you want to take backup and click on add to list after that click on save option.
Step: 4 Now go to Backup plans select all backup options in Right panel Backup plan is showing so just select the plan and Right click on that and click on Backup now option.
Step: 5 Here you need to select Backup type in this tutorial i am taking full backup os Virtual Machine so just select full backup and Customize full Backup option and click on ok button.
Step: 6 Here you can see Backup job has been submitted so just click on ok button.
Step: 7 Here you can see Backup has been started in Right Panel you can see progress bar so just click on details option.
Step: 8 Here you can see all the details like Backup Start time,Remaining time and Backup Speed so just wait some time to complete the backup.
Step: 9 Now to you can see backup has been completed.
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How to Configure Arcserve UDP 6.5 Step By Step with Screenshots

In my previous post i had explained how to install Arcserve UDP 6.5 please go through this link.How to install Arcserve UDP 6.5

Now in this Tutorial i have explained how to configure Arcserve UDP 6.5 so please find the below Step to configure.

Step: 1 After installing login into Arcserve UDP console you will get the below Configurations Wizard screen so just click on Next button.

Step: 2 Here you need to put Backup plan name as you know we are configuring Esxi Virtual Machine Backup so just type the name and Select Backup:Host-based agentless option and click Next.
Step:3 Here You need to select Arcserve Backup Server so just select the Backup Server and click on Next button.
Step:4 Here you need to add Esxi node so just provide Esxi Server details like IP address user id and password and click on Next button.
Step: 5 Here you need to create datastore repository so just click on add button.
Step: 6 Here you need to put destination server details where you want to create datastore so just put the server details select install Agent Tracking Driver option and click on next button.
Step: 7 Here you need to create datastore so just click on create button and wait for next screen.
Step: 8 Here you need to select datastore location folder so just select the location folder and click OK.
Step: 9 Here you can see the details like Recovery Point Server,datastore name and datastore folder now verify the details click on next button.
Step: 10 Here you need to create 3 folder Data Destination,Index Destination and Hash Destination so just create all the folder,select Enable Compression option and click on Next button.
Step: 11 Now you can see we have create the datastore on Recovery point Server so just click on Next button.
Step: 12 Here you need to select backup schedule so just create the schedule and click on Next button.
Step: 13 Here you can see Backup plan has been created now just click on Next button.
Step: 14 Here if you want to add more ESXi node you can click on Add more node otherwise click on Finish button.
Step: 15 friend's here you can see we have successfully configure the Arc Serve  Backup Server  for ESXi host.
Thanks for visiting this page in next tutorial i will explained how to take backup of Virtual Machine using Arc Backup Server so please share your feedback in comment section.
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